nMany of you will have visited Lancashire's oldest building before and here is another chance to share in the Rovers Trust activities during the last year. Tea and Coffee will be served and non-Members are welcome to attend. A Pay-Bar will be open between 6.30pm and 9pm.\n\nThere will be a Presentation from our Chair, John Murray, on the work of the Trust during the past year, focussing on one of our aims - that of 'Preserving the Culture and Heritage of the Club', with some exciting ideas underway.
There will also be a discussion part, led by Board Director, Michael Doherty, regarding 'National Issues affecting Football Clubs', explaining what the various Football Trusts are grappling with as several of their number hit serious financial difficulties.
If you wish to attend please sign up at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rovers-trust-agm-2019-tickets-62468034573 as soon as possible (you can also email enquiries@roverstrust.co.uk). We look forward to seeing you at this prestigious venue.
As a reminder from the previous Newsletter, the deadline for Candidacy submissions to Trust Secretary, Michael Ellison, is Thursday 13th June (13/06/19). To stand as a candidate for the Board, you must be a fully paid-up Member of the Trust, and be nominated by two fellow fully paid-up Members. Any enquiries re: candidacy can be submitted to the Secretary at michael91ellison@hotmail.com
There are 5 vacancies in total. All 3 Board Members whose terms are ending are standing for re-election; that is John Murray, Oliver Jones, and Michael Doherty, leaving two elected vacancies available. Board Member David Riding remains incumbent from 2018.
Please bear in mind, you may still be asked if you'd like to be co-opted onto the Board in the event of being unsuccessful at election.
If there are 5 or fewer candidates after the deadline, an affirmative ballot will be held amongst those in attendance at the AGM. If there are more than 5 candidates after the deadline, a further election will be held, with each candidate expected to deliver a short speech explaining why they ought to be elected to the Board. A ballot will then be held, with the results delivered within one week of the AGM (by Thursday 27th June 2019, 27/06/19).