Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of Rovers Trust will be held at Ewood Park starting at 7.15pm on Thursday June 22nd 2023 to consider, discuss and if thought fit, pass, the following resolutions or transact the following business:
We are pleased to confirm that committed Rovers fan, Tim Farron MP will be attending the AGM this year and, as a precursor to the meeting, we plan to show his winning performance on Celebrity Mastermind - specialist subject: Blackburn Rovers. Starts 7.15pm prompt.
It has been a busy year and the Rovers Trust have made progress on many fronts including agreeing a Memorandum of Understanding with the club, providing the club with proposals regarding a 5 Year Marketing Strategy, nominating Ewood Park to be declared an Asset of Community Value for a further 5 years. The Trust have also spent considerable time carefully considering a strategy for dialogue with the club regarding the proposals and recommendations of the Government white paper that was drafted as a result of the fan led review of football governance chaired by Tracey Crouch MP. It is our hope that these discussions will lead to the formation of a ‘Shadow Board’ made up of Rovers Trust Board Members plus representatives of other Groups to liaise with the club at regular intervals.
More information on these issues can be found here:
As a member of The Rovers Trust, you are entitled and encouraged to attend the AGM in person. If you would like to propose an item for the agenda, please contact the Rovers Trust Chair via email within the next 2 weeks.
Any member is entitled to stand for board membership. If you have the commitment and time to dedicate to The Trust then please get in touch with the Chair via email, seconded by a Trust member.
The full agenda and details of board member candidates will be publicised nearer to the time of the AGM.
We would ask all members to check their membership status. Membership is £10 per year and is generally paid by a repeat payment via PayPal. Sometimes a change of email address, registered credit card or Paypal account name can prevent successful payment. We would be grateful if members could check that their payment schedule is still active and there have been no failed payments. Any members that discover that their membership has lapsed can re-join the Trust by following the instructions here:
Thank you for your support.
By order of the Society Board
Peter Ridehalgh
Secretary - The Rovers Trust